Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Social networks

Ok I must admit that I have been using Facebook, it's kind of fun and I use it to keep in contact with friends who live a fair distance away from me.
I would like to see this working in an Australian library. I think the social networking sites like facebook and myspace are primarily used by teenagers and Australian libraries really don't seem to be working very hard to get the teenagers back into the library, and I completely understand why, they have their own libraries at school so why do they need another one? I guess what I'm saying is, I see the appeal of social networking sites but I can't see them being successfully used by public libraries yet.

On the whole I've really enjoyed the journey, obviously some weeks were more interesting/fun than others but such is life, lol!

Online applications

You will never worry about forgetting your drive or usb ever again, this solves all of lifes problems, or alternatively all of a librarians problems. There will be no more excuses mwhahaha!

I would love to see more done with web conferencing especially for the regional libraries, it would give staff more opportunities without the need to spend a lot of money on travel and accomodation. It would be easily doable, so why don't we do it? are we just lazy? scared? I know that people like the face to face meeting but sometimes it's just not practicle and we should look at options that make training more accessable for everyone.


Ooooh! lots of fun to be had here! :) My weapon of choice was Big Huge Labs, the mosaic maker mmmmm nice i could spend all day playing with this