Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I do quite like the fox fm gotcha calls, having moved away from Melbourne recently I've been missing them but I can still get my fix from their podcasts, mwhahaha! Podcasts are great if you've missed your favourite radio show .... but I can also see the applications for libraries as long as it's not me who has to do the talking! I hate how my voice sounds on recording or over the phone! haha I'm just saying what you're all thinking....

Answer boards

This is something I had heard about, but didn't know anything about myself so I found this really interesting. It would be a great opportunity to show people our reference skills and promote your own library but also means that we are acting as advocates for all libraries. I might have to word in a few ears and see if I can join the list of participating librarians.....

Tagging and stuff

Library thing is my new best friend! I will never write down an authors name on an ill-fated scrap piece of paper ever again. This is a great way to keep track of what I've read, what I want to read or even to get suggestions for what I could read.

Heres a selection of whats on my catalogue (couldn't bring myself to call it a catalog!)

I also quite like, I think I would use it more to store sites that I'm not likely to use as often or things that I might want to look at again one day. It could really clear up some of those bookmarks that I rarely use. I might get more organised out of this!

Technorati I don't like at all, I may be biased cause I can keep track of all my blogs in bloglines, but it just seems too cluttered to me

Monday, April 28, 2008

Another video

Oooh I just found another one I wanted to link to. All mums will appreciate this, lololol!

Videos Online

Being young..ish I am fairly well versed with youtube (doesn't everyone know of youtube??), but it's always fun to be given a license to explore. In my travels I came across this video of Achmed the dead terrorist, I love it, it's hilarious!


I don't know what it is about wikis but I just inherently have something against them. I must admit that I use them, like everyone else, because often the information is very valuable or otherwise not available. I can see the value, I can see the potential uses.... but often they're just so BORING!
That was of course until I saw Wookieepedia! lol! I have been forever changed by this experience. In one quick click of a link I discovered a wiki that was not boring, but nicely laid out and easy to read. I am forever in your debt web 2.0

Click the link to change your life

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

RSS feeds

Ok, I've been doing the Bloglines thing for a long time now. I tend to use it to subscirbe to all the interesting library blogs, which keeps me up to date and also if you subscribe to the right ones can keep you entertained too! Some of my favourites for entertainment are Miss Information and the Effing Librarian, but if you want to keep up to date with what's happening out there you might try Library Bytes or Tame the web. I must confess I am addicted, the you tube video wasn't lying.......

Explore Flickr

I love Flickr! I especially love just to explore, some of the photo's are amazing.
Interestingness, this really appeals to me, click on a month and it shows you some of the top photos uploaded for each day during the month. Don't you just wish you were as good as they are..... and the answer to this is, yes, yes i do! lol!